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Being able to have a connection during social distancing is challenging but doable and very worth it!
Just sharing five authors I love, Dave Eggers, Milan Kundera, Marguerite Duras, Haruki Murakami, Earnest Hemingway. As a life long avid reader, I am always searching for new interesting books.
I believe that acceptance is the key to peace of mind. The more we can let go of our idea to try to control everything and accept what is, the more freedom we allow ourselves giving us peace.
So much good news to share! So many ways we can all make our world better, even with the current pandemic we find that there are some many wonderful things we are all learning or remembering about the love in humanity.
What does doing our best really mean, for society, for industry, for individuals? Looking back throughout history to see some things that get a bad wrap now as possible mistakes but were simply people doing their best with what they knew at the time.
My hope is that we begin to realize that we just need to accept the differences and celebrate the sameness. Not only individually but throughout all levels of out existence.
You cannot control how others will behave, so don’t worry about that. Do your best, and control what you can.
Talking 'bout some expectations. To paraphrase the Tracy Chapman song. I have a belief that expectations ruin everything they touch. It sets you up for unhappiness.
Some thoughts on being against something out of a reactionary state instead of calm state. When you can catch yourself being resistant just for the sake of being resistant, you cut yourself off from possibilities.
This episode of Domicile Diaries, covers what I have been doing on Instagram. It touches on the "themes" that are covered on that platform and why. It also deals with the theme of this week which has been the Sea/Oceans
Domicile Diaries episode 12 luxury week. What luxury means to me and how I feel we can all achieve a luxurious life. The role gratitude plays in our minds in the attainment of a luxurious life. Is luxury only exclusivity? Is luxury individuality? Does it come from precious or exotic materials? If your wardrobe is filled with only Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, and you only wear Bulgari jewelry does that mean you live a luxurious life? These are the types of questions we answer here.

Episode 1 of model advice, giving an introduction to a career in modelling.
Episode 2 of model advice, takes us through being a Part time model and the steps you will need to take, as well as a traditional career path approach to modelling, along with the social media influencer model direction.
Episode 3 of model advice, takes us through the beginning steps to starting a career.
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