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A full video representation and recitation of "Objectively A Poem" by Donny Lewis.
Art comes in all forms this is one, in my opinion.
"I am a man of beige and grey in this way are we both fulfilled?
to be formed like potters clay our purpose found our minds stilled?
put me up upon your wheel frozen now in what's been done
spin me round get your feel Until once more the muses come
find in me what you can make When what is needed yet again
then with your eyes, is a simple grey beige man.
with your hands
and with your heart
make of me your art.
Shot on the beach in Southampton New York, one of my favorite spots for a quick get away from the pace of the big Apple, New York City. As much as I love New York City, a quiet country boy from Texas needs a bit of solitude from time to time.
What do model's do for fun. Make little video's to share.
A book lover to my core, a writer in my soul, and an actor by profession. This is an homage to the words of some of my idols. The Icons of the literary world that have spoken to me and changed my view of life. William Blake, I found through his poem "Tyger, Tyger", which I first read in another book by a favorite author Anne Rice in her Vampire chronicles. I of course then fell in love with Blake. Alexander the Great was one of the first historical figures I ever read about and I have read everything about him I can since that first introduction. Mary Renault wrote a wonderful historical fiction series about him so there is a section of that. Then there is Haruki Murakami, probably my favorite living author, who in one of his novels pays homage to one of my other favorites Jack Kerouac, so I paid homage to both in my way. You can see the "Words" that they used as well as where to find each on the transition pages, along with a few words of my own.
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